Assets Save Location
Last updated
Last updated
You can manage the package settings from the "Package Settings" window.
Open the window by going to Tools -> CustomVehicleController -> Package Settings.
A package setting window should open:
You can select custom path location for the created vehicle parts.
The default path for the vehicle parts is:
"CustomVehicleController/VehicleController/VehicleParts/{Vehicle Part Type Name}".
The default path for the engine parts is:
"CustomVehicleController/VehicleController/VehicleParts/EngineParts/{Engine Part Type Name}"
Change the "Default Save Paths" toggle to false:
Buttons that allow you to select custom paths should become active.
If you set the "Default Save Paths" toggle to false, you'll have to provide a save path for every vehicle part type.
Click on every "Select Path" button and from the explorer window select a folder within the project where newly created vehicle parts of a certain part type will be saved.
The save system doesn't actually use a path you provide as a string. It uses a GUID instead. This means that if you move a folder to another place, you won't have to update the path manually.
Do not create folders from this window, Unity doesn't detect them. Path won't be set and assets won't be moved.
After you select a new save path for a vehicle part type, a window will pop up asking whether you want to move every part of this type into a newly selected folder.
In the case of the default vehicle part types (Engine, Transmission, Forced Induction, etc) and Presets, every scriptable object instance of one of these types will be found within the project and moved into the new location.
Custom Engine parts will be moved in another way. If you select "Yes", all folders withing the root folder for the engine part assets will be moved from the current location into a new one. The default root location is "CustomVehicleController/VehicleController/VehicleParts/EngineParts"
Since version 2.0.1, the one that introduced the Package Settings window, the project's architecture changed.
New Engine Part classes used to be saved into the "CustomVehicleController/VehicleController/VehicleParts/EngineParts/{new part type name}" along with the scriptable object assets of this type.
Now the classes will be saved into the "CustomVehicleController/VehicleController/VehicleParts/EngineParts" folder and the new assets - into the subfolders for their specific type.
The reason is that after moving the classes into a different location, they weren't recognized in the project anymore and required reimport. If you downloaded the package prior to this update, you may have to manually move the classes into the "CustomVehicleController/VehicleController/VehicleParts/EngineParts" manually. Alternatively, after selecting a new folder for engine part assets and moving the old ones, reimport the folder with the classes.
If you want to reset the save paths, navigate to "CustomVehicleController/Editor/PackageSettings" and select the ProjectSettings scriptable object. Click on the "Reset" button.