Instantiates the game objects from the provided player and AI vehicle prefabs and spawn settings.
Possible values: OnAwake, AfterExternalCall. If "AfterExternalCall" is selected, you need to call the "Spawn" method.
BeginCountdownAfterSpawn | bool
If true, if the RaceManager's property "RaceStartCondition' is set to "AfterExternalCall", will call its "BeginCountdown" method.
SpawnPlayer | bool
Defines whether to spawn the player
UniqueOnly | bool
If set to true, only 1 instance from every prefab from the RacerAIVehiclePrefabArray will be spawned. If the length of this array is greater than Rows * Columns, the spawning will stop.
RandomizePlayerPos | bool
If true, player's position index will be randomized.
PlayerPosIndex | int
if RandomizePlayerPos is false, the selected index will be the player's start position.
PlayerVehiclePrefab | GameObject
Prefab with the Player's vehicle.
RacerAIVehiclePrefabArray | GameObject[]
Prefab array with vehicles that use AI Brain.
Rows | int
The amount of rows in a spawning grid.
Columns | int
The amount of columns in a spawning grid.
HorizontalDistanceBetweenSpawnPoints | float
The horizontal distance between the spawning positions.
VerticalDistanceBetweenSpawnPoints | float
The vertical (meaning in 2d space) distance between the spawning positions.
Last updated